Writing Through It
Three ways to get creative … tips for writing during the pandemic.
Three ways to get creative … tips for writing during the pandemic.
If you are stuck on a project, trying to find an agent, or need help getting published, these simple, easy-to-apply tips will improve your book immediately.
How long should my children’s book be? We wish there was a simple, one-size-fits-all answer to this! There are no set rules for how long a children’s novel should be, and the lack of clear guidance can be frustrating. That’s why we often get asked questions like this.
It’s not easy living with a writer, whether they are well-established, or still trying to find an agent or publisher. Here’s how to support your writer as they go through the process of getting published.
OK, it may not be up there with divorce, moving house or trying to avoid Game of Thrones spoilers on Twitter, but having your manuscript out there in the big, bad world being judged by big, bad agents* is pretty darn stressful. Here are our top tips for staying sane when you’re looking for an agent.